We travelled to Sofia Bulgaria in May 2022 to perform with Ukrainian refugee families who had fled the war. We have been returning ever since.

The Flute Theatre's interpretation of Shakespeare’s Pericles is by far the most touching and empowering performance I have ever seen. Over the four days that the Flute spent working with Ukrainian families in Sofia, we cried and laughed together with the children, we played and sang, we opened up our hearts and got carried away by the magic of the theatre, we forgot all our troubles, even if for a little while, and felt alive again. Playing together with the Flute was a transformative experience for all of us: children, parents, educators, students, and psychologists. The atmosphere was so warm and welcoming, and the actors’ energy was so powerful and magnetic, that we all felt an irresistible appeal of playing together. Seeing how parents' faces relaxed, how their smiles widened, and their eyes started shining with a mixture of surprise and pride was a pure and genuine pleasure. But, of course, the children were the true kings and queens of this enchanted castle. Though some of them were a bit shy at first and even reluctant to participate, by the end of the performance all of them joined in. They obviously loved playing along and were having a lot of fun, not only because the actors were brilliant and ultimately dedicated to what they were doing, not only because the performance was perfectly thought-out and the games had been developed to suit the needs of the audience that is struggling with the trauma of fleeing from the war, but also because these young individuals and their desire to play were taken seriously.
The children were seen, heard, appreciated, and accepted. They were encouraged to assert themselves in the most creative and productive ways. They felt respected and valued. What is more, at times they even felt in charge and started helping the actors with the pronunciation of the trickiest words and names. Oh, how happy and proud they looked!
Flute's performances are a safe space where children and adults can play seriously, be in the moment and feel alive, learn to respect and appreciate each other, and allow the power of the theatre to help them discover their better and happier selves. This amazing project has shown that the theatre can truly make a difference even in the darkest times. Maybe, the darkest times are the times when we need the magic and the healing power of the theatre most urgently.
Darya Lazarenko