We present award winning productions of Shakespeare adapted by Kelly Hunter. We also run long term community projects for people marginalised by autism. We are renowned for our innovative productions of Shakespeare including specialised shows for autistic individuals, refugees and those displaced by war. These productions use the award-winning Hunter Heartbeat Method. We perform internationally, adapting the language of our performances to the needs and ears of our audience.
 We also perform in the UK and internationally with refugees and those displaced by war.

Kelly Hunter, Founder & Artistic Director

I founded Flute in 2014 as a place of free artistic expression. Somehow we're still going, entirely thanks to the people who give it their full attention. I'm very grateful to them.

Hunter Heartbeat

Yoga with feeling...

Shakespeare’s Heartbeat

book of Shakespeare's heartbeat

Drama games for children with autism

For more information about the Hunter Heartbeat Method, read Shakespeare’s Heartbeat, drama games for autistic individuals written by Kelly Hunter. Published in 2014 by Routledge

“For me – working in a special school – there is so much material here that is of huge benefit to children who struggle with social interaction. This should be on the shelf of every SEN teacher as there are activities here that would work on many levels for children both verbal and non-verbal, ASD or not.”
Lucy Ellen Rix, Drama Teacher