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A Midsummer Night’s Dream

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"“These things seem small and undistinguishable, like far off mountains turned into clouds”"

A Midsummer Night’s Dream, Act V

Previous Performances

A Midsummer Night's Dream

  • Marin Sorescu National Theatre International Shakespeare Festival
  • Craiova Romania May 2024
  • Itaka Shakespeare Festival
  • Novi Sad Serbia July 2024
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"Its magic"


Audience member

Adapted and Directed by Kelly Hunter

Lighting Designer Craig West

Designer Alice Hallifax

Music Mercedes Maresca

Flute Theatre Itaka Shakespeare Festival Novi Sad Serbia 2024

Flute Theatre Itaka Shakespeare Festival Novi Sad Serbia 2024



Joshua Welch


Jacob Lovick


Carina Abi-Saber


Mohit Mathur


Aleix Melé


Catherine Kay


Mercedes Maresca

Kelly Hunter

Founder & Director

Directing this play makes anyone feel like Peter Quince and this production was no exception as I endlessly gave out parts, scripts and instruction to my team - the big difference being that my particular team are incredible at what they do. I couldn't be luckier. At the heart of the play is a sensory world turned upside down - seeing ears, hearing eyes, tasting hands and speaking hearts - eyes that love and minds that see. Our company of seven performers take all the roles endlessly transforming themselves from spirits who fly faster than thought to donkeys that barely move to overs who only see as far as their own love lives. Only Puck remains a constant - shifting in his own body but never playing out other parts.

Kelly Hunter

Kelly Hunter